Pretrained models
This short guide explains how to use pretrained models.
Classify ImageNet classes with ResNet34
In this example, we are going to classify the following image using a pretrained ResNet34 model. (You can download from here)

In order to use a pretrained model, we need to know what the models expects and how can we make its output useful for us. That is, we need to know the number of inputs, their shape, the preprocessing needed, the number of outputs and the postprocessing required. Luckily, we have this information in the onnx page from which we downloaded our model.
Input/s: 3-channel RGB images of shape
(N x 3 x H x W)
, where N is the batch size, and H and W are expected to be at least 224Preprocessing: Images in range of
[0, 1]
and then normalized usingmean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
andstd = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
.Output: Image scores for each of the 1000 classes of ImageNet
Postprocessing: Apply a softmax to get the probability scores for each class.
Here we are going to import a new model, add a softmax layer, compiling it, perform inference on a image and print the top K predicted classes.
#include <iostream>
#include "eddl/apis/eddl.h"
#include "eddl/serialization/onnx/eddl_onnx.h"
using namespace eddl;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// ==========================================================================
// ====== SET DEFAULT VARIABLES =============================================
// ==========================================================================
// Step 0: Download the model, the classes and the image we want to classify
string image_fname = "../../examples/data/elephant.jpg";
string class_names_file = "../../examples/data/imagenet_class_names.txt";
string model_path = "models/resnet34-v1-7.onnx";
// Step 1: Specify input
int in_channels = 3;
int in_height = 224;
int in_width = 224;
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
// ====== LOAD ONNX MODEL ===================================================
// ==========================================================================
// Import ONNX model
std::cout << "Importing ONNX..." << std::endl;
Net *net = import_net_from_onnx_file(model_path, {in_channels, in_height, in_width});
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
// ====== APPLY POSTPROCESSING ==============================================
// ==========================================================================
// Step 4 (optional): Add a softmax layer to get probabilities directly from the model, since it
// does not include the softmax layer.
layer input = net->lin[0]; // getLayer(net,"input_layer_name");
layer output = net->lout[0]; // getLayer(net,"output_layer_name");
layer new_output = Softmax(output);
// Create model
net = Model({input},{new_output});
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
// ====== COMPILE MODEL =====================================================
// ==========================================================================
// Build model
adam(0.001f), // Optimizer (not used for prediction)
{"softmax_cross_entropy"}, // Losses (not used for prediction)
{"categorical_accuracy"}, // Metrics (not used for prediction)
CS_GPU({1}), // Use one GPU
false // Disable model initialization, since we want to use the onnx weights
// Print and plot our model
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
// ====== INFERENCE =========================================================
// ==========================================================================
// Load test image
Tensor *image = Tensor::load(image_fname);
// Step 3: Preprocess input. (Look up the preprocessing required at the model's page)
Tensor* image_preprocessed = preprocess_input_resnet34(image, {in_height, in_width});
// Predict image. Returns a vector of tensors (here one).
vector<Tensor*> outputs = net->predict({image_preprocessed});
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
// ====== PRINT TOP K CLASSES ===============================================
// ==========================================================================
// Read imagenet class names from txt file
std::cout << "Reading imagenet class names..." << std::endl;
vector<string> class_names = eddl::read_txt_file(class_names_file);
// Print top K predictions
int top_k = 5;
std::cout << "Top " << top_k << " predictions:" << std::endl;
std::cout << eddl::get_topk_predictions(outputs[0], class_names, top_k) << std::endl;
// ==========================================================================
return 0;
If everything has worked correctly, the output of the inference should be:
Top 5 predictions:
1. n02504013 Indian elephant, Elephas maximus (91.04%)
2. n01871265 tusker (8.49%)
3. n02504458 African elephant, Loxodonta africana (0.45%)
4. n02398521 hippopotamus, hippo, river horse, Hippopotamus amphibius (0.00%)
5. n02074367 dugong, Dugong dugon (0.00%)
Now we are going to write a simple preprocessing function to prepare our input into the input that ResNet34 expect. To do so, we are going to scale the image into an image of 224x224, normalize it so that its values’ range are into [0, 1], and standarize it with the known mean and std of the ImageNet dataset.
Tensor* preprocess_input_resnet34(Tensor* input, const vector<int> &target_size){
// Define preprocessing constants
auto* mean_vec = new Tensor( {0.485, 0.456, 0.406}, {3}, input->device);
auto* std_vec = new Tensor( {0.229, 0.224, 0.225}, {3}, input->device);
// ==========================================================================
// ====== SANITY CHECKS =====================================================
// ==========================================================================
// Check dimension. Input must be a 3D or 4D tensor
if(!(input->ndim == 3 || input->ndim == 4)){
throw std::runtime_error("A 3D or 4D tensor is expected. " + std::to_string(input->ndim) + "D tensor received.");
// Convert from 3D to 4D (if needed)
if(input->ndim == 3){
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
// ====== NORMALIZATION =====================================================
// ==========================================================================
// Resize tensor (creates a new instance)
Tensor* new_input = input->scale(target_size); // (height, width)
// Normalization [0..1]
// Standarization: (X-mean)/std
Tensor* mean = Tensor::broadcast(mean_vec, new_input);
Tensor* std = Tensor::broadcast(std_vec, new_input);
// ==========================================================================
// Free memory
delete mean_vec;
delete std_vec;
delete mean;
delete std;
return new_input;